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Neoneli è un piccolo comune del Barigadu. Il territorio comprende l'oasi faunistica di Assai dove vivono animali come il daino e il cervo. In campo folkloristico Neoneli è famoso per il coro a tenores.

Notizie IN Neoneli

case in vendita Neoneli 13-06-2017 | 05:50
Our services are the result of real estate experience combined with local knowledge. Our interest is to convey the tastes and desires of customers who are looking for a new home or a second home. In ...
case in affitto Neoneli 27-04-2017 | 03:59
Our services are the result of real estate experience combined with local knowledge. Our interest is to convey the tastes and desires of customers who are looking for a new home or a second home. In ...
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